We at ECO-TANDEM aim to support European SMEs from the tourism sector getting through this change, making them greener, more innovative and competitive.
To do this best, we decided to directly ask European tourism stakeholders what are the biggest challenges they are facing. In autumn 2020, we carried out a survey involving some 160 SMEs, tourism associations and other public and private sector players from Italy, Germany, Greece, Slovakia and Austria, in order to understand their needs and expectations.
• 98% of the respondents agree that knowledge sharing and collaboration between actors in the tourism sector is essential to move tourism forward.
Unfortunately, the involvement of innovative players and tour operators to achieve more visibility for smaller destinations still constitute a poorly developed solution.
• Most respondents are convinced of the effectiveness of new technologies and communication methods
in accessing new markets and believe they make sufficient use of them.
• Emerging market segments
such as health, agro and eco-tourism still have an untapped potential.
• The vast majority of interviewed agree that the Covid-19 pandemic will completely change how the tourism industry works.
The major change is related to the reduction of international travels, while other changes involve an increase in flexibility for travelers, choice of transportation and diversification of destinations.
• Respondents generally attribute some importance to achieving certifications of their skills and services, but they are not well informed about the availability of certifications related to sustainability
(74% of involved SMEs are not aware of such certifications).
• The significant majority of respondents are not aware of any EU funding opportunities
related to the development of their sector or business, rising to the vast majority (91%) in the case of SMEs.
From this survey it emerges that there is still a long way to go before making the tourism sector more innovative and ready for the challenges of tomorrow. Greater awareness of the possibilities offered by certifications, European funds and unexplored market niches is necessary, as well as closer collaboration between stakeholders in the sector.