The EU ECO-TANDEM Programme is honored to be presented during the EU Industry week 2022- “Towards a full green and digital transformation: the role of EU SMEs and startups in the travel and tourism industry”, an satellite event organized by X23. The event had been celebrated with success on the 21st of February, here are some highlights of it!
The event opened the door of knowledge of a new era of tourism, where green and digital economy are key enablers for a more responsible, resilient and sustainable society. In this 2-hours event, the speakers took the participants through the latest tourism market trends; innovation and technology knowledge sharing; business growth in the tourism sector.
EU Industry week and EU ECO-TANDEM
Experts in the sustainability and tourism sector: Ioannis Pappas (GREEN EVOLUTION) presented a thorough analysis of the current Market Trend of the tourism industry; Elena Di Raco (ENIT) explained why Eco-Sustainable Tourism can be an opportunity for SMEs; Sonia Barani (ITKAM) described the current trends of the tourism industry concerning digitalisation and sustainability.
Then, Anastasiia Yakush, project manager of EU ECO-TANDEM presented the programme. Including information of the programme’s three pillars:
The programme’s obtained results so far were also described:
Ioannis Pappas (GREEN EVOLUTION): The current Market Trend of the tourism industry;
Elena Di Raco (ENIT): Green is the New Black: Why Eco-Sustainable Tourism is an Opportunity for SMEs;
Sonia Barani (ITKAM): The current trends of the tourism industry - digitalisation and sustainability;
Anastasiia Yakush (X-23): ECO-Challenges: Presentation & Discussion // EU ECO-TANDEM programme: unlocking the micro-funding potentials;
Urška Jež (Transformation LightHouse): How to hack innovation for the tourism sector
Maja Pokric (AR/VR Tech): AR/VR tech and and new technologies introductions Maja Brkljačić (Algebra Lab): Technology vs the future - The New Era of Tourism and Entertainment
Anastasiia Yakush (X-23): The EU DigiTOUR - Project Introduction, Micro funding opportunities
We are grateful to host an engaging audience that animated a discussion on the eco-sustainability challenges and possible developments of the tourism sector. In case you miss the event, watch the livestream now!
If you are intrigue with the topic of sustainable tourism, and would like to be on board with EU ECO-TANDEM’s green mission, sign up to the EU Climate Pact now!
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