After the closing of the pre-matching phase, it will be time to celebrate our TANDEMs!
In the first half of September 2022, 3 matchmaking events will be organised in Italy, Germany and Slovakia.
Read on to find out more!
The matchmaking events: when and where
Berlin, September 6th 2022 – hybrid event
Bratislava, September 13th 2022 – hybrid event
Italy, September 14th 2022 – online event
For whom:
TANDEMEEs of the EU ECO-TANDEM Programme
What will happen during the events?
Official TANDEM creation through the signing of the commitment agreement
Presentation of the TANDEMEEs
Plan of action Q&A
If you are a participant of the EU ECO-TANDEM Programme: please notice that your participation in one of the 3 events is mandatory. Please discuss with your partner in order to select a common date.
All events will be in English and can be attended also remotely.
The EU ECO-TANDEM team is looking forward to meeting all the TANDEMEEs in person or virtually in September 2022!
Registrations are open! Apply bellow to participate.
Agenda Matchmaking Event #Germany (download)
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